Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Alyannah's Visit To The Dentist

Here's another one of those no-digicam-moments (gosh, what is wrong with me?!). This should have been posted two weeks ago, but I keep forgetting to download from Richard's phone.

Anyway, we finally took Yan to the dentist to have her front tooth (or what's left of it) removed.
Walang takot.
Walang aray.
Wala ng ngipin...pero may balloon naman!
Highs: Alyannah did not feel a thing so she did not cry. The dentist really knew how to deal with kids. And the best part is, Yan got a balloon after her tooth extraction! Oh, and we also found out that some of her permanent teeth are starting to come out.
Lows: There's only one -- ang mahal magpabunot ng ngipin! They have separate rates for kids and adults. Yan's tooth extraction cost THB1,200. To think, kapirasong ngipin lang yung tinanggal kasi nga sira na. Oh well...


Diwata said...

OUCHIE!!! Not for Aly but for the pocket!!! Sooooo proud of you Alyannah!!!! You're so brave!

Domestic Goddess said...

Brave talaga our little girl! She's not afraid of the doctor or the dentist. Last week naman she had her flu shots + another one that I can't remember. Anyway, she had two shots on the same day on both arms! She cried a bit (who wouldn't?) but after that, we went shopping na. Haha!