Thursday, September 17, 2009

Easy Peasy Dessert

It's super easy because all I had to do was put them together on a plate.
Clockwise from top: dark chocolate, baked apples with cinnamon, Sara Lee French Cream Cheesecake (yes, the frozen variety).
With the exception of the baked apples, everything else was store-bought. Oh, the chocolate pala was a pasalubong from Richard's officemate who came from Australia. *Shoutout to my cousin Chi who's in Australia! Hope all is well! The baked apples is another resurrected/recycled dish. It's been sitting in the ref for quite some time. I just cut it up, tossed in brown sugar and cinnamon, and baked until done.
It was a nice treat for the whole family; eating "dressed" up dessert for a change.

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