Thursday, January 6, 2011

Holiday's Over

My first to-do list for 2011.
Woke up at 10:30am, breakfast at 11, lunch at 1:30pm.  Wish I could stay in bed all day, but I've got stuff to do.  Couldn't stand the thought of having unpacked suitcases sitting in the living room anyway.  Thank goodness for Aly's unopened Christmas gifts which kept her preoccupied all morning.  I am also grateful for the extra hotdog sandwich that Richard bought from 7-11 at the airport last night, which Aly ate for breakfast.  It saved me from having to haul my huge arse out of bed to feed my big girl.  Yikes!  I'm such a lazy mom.  Heehee!
Holiday's officially over.  Ugh.  I'm back in Bangkok.

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